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What is Kybella?

Kybella is a non-surgical, minimally invasive injectable for excess fat below the chin. Many doctors refer to it as the liquid liposuction. Kybella is the first double chin injectable that has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. This deoxycholic injectable offers patients a simpler solution to get rid of unwanted under-chin fat. The results are a slimmer, more elegant jawline and a more proportionate and balanced appearance.

Get Permanent Results With Kybella

The stubborn fat under your chin could be making you look heavier and older than you are. Kybella is an FDA-approved treatment for eliminating fat under the chin, or submental fullness.

Whether you’ve always had a double chin, or recently noticed one, Kybella is an ideal treatment to permanently slim the face. You’ll look healthier, younger, and slimmer!*

Kybella Benefits

  • Little to no downtime*
  • Defines the jawline*
  • Permanently destroys fat cells*
  • Achieve a sleeker neck and jawline*
  • Safe & effective*

Kybella Benefits

  • Improves jawline asymmetry*
  • FDA-approved*
  • Non-surgical procedure*
  • Long-lasting results*
  • Decreases the appearance of jowls*

Pre Care Instructions:

  • Ideal times to schedule your Kybella appointment is at least 2 weeks prior to a big event.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption at least 24 hours before your treatment
  • To decrease the chance of bruising and bleeding at the injection site, avoid taking Aspirin, NSAIDs (ibuprofen, motrin, aleve, etc.) vitamin E, fish oil, ginger, gingko, green tea, ginseng or St. John’s Wort for 10 days prior to your treatment.
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding or patients under 18 years old

Post Care Instructions:

  • Redness, swelling, firmness/hardness and bruises are common post procedure occurrences. Tends to gradually decrease 1-4 weeks following procedure.
  • Avoid use of steroids or other anti-inflammatory medications (aspirin, advil, aleve, etc) 24-48 hours following treatment to reduce risk of bruising.
  • Avoid eating salty foods for 24-48 hours following your procedure to reduce excess swelling.
  • May sleep with head propped for first few days following procedure to aid in reduction of swelling.
  • Ice may be applied to the area to reduce discomfort, best to ice no longer than 2-5 minutes at a time to avoid freezing the tissues.
  • Avoid massaging or manipulating the swelling area.
  • Tylenol products may be used to reduce discomfort.
  • May apply Arnica gel to expedite the healing process.
  • Avoid any gym activity for 3 days as exercise is known to worsen swelling.

How Does Kybella Work?

Kybella is an injectable, non-surgical, treatment that targets fat cells under the chin.  Kybella’s active ingredient is synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected, Kybella destroys fat cells,  resulting in a noticeable reduction in fat.*

What Areas Can be Treated with Kybella?

Kybella is currently only approved by the FDA to be used under the chin but has been successfully used on other areas of the body. Kybella can be used on bra fat, the abdomen, flanks, and other areas that are too minimal to treat with liposuction.*

How Long Does Kybella Last?

After you receive the recommended number of sessions, no further treatment is needed. Even years after treatment, patients have reported their double chin did not return.*

Who is a Good Candidate for Kybella?

A good candidate has recently gained excess fat beneath their chin, has lost definition in their jawline or has always struggled with chin fat. Also, for those who want to target excess fat on other areas of the body without going under the knife, Kybella is a great option.*

What Can I Expect From the Treatment?

The area under your chin will be injected multiple times in specific areas to target fat cells. Including your consultation, the treatment takes no longer than an hour. After your treatment, your skin might be slightly red and swollen. We recommend using ice packs to ease any discomfort you might have.*

What Does a Kybella Treatment Feel Like?

Most patients say they feel a tolerable burning sensation as the injection begins to break down the fat cells. You can be assured that any temporary discomfort you feel is worth the beautiful results! Our injectors will give you ice packs or anesthetic cream prior to the treatment to minimize any discomfort.*

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

Since we tailor treatments to each patient, a Be Clinical Kybella specialist will determine exactly how many sessions you’ll need. On average, two sessions are needed to achieve desired results. Treatments are spaced one month apart.*

Are There Side Effects Associated with Kybella?

Possible side effects after receiving a Kybella treatment include (but are not limited to) injection site redness, swelling, bruising, and hardness near the injection site.*

I Still Have Questions and I Want to Learn More.

Start by scheduling a consultation. We will take a look at your chin area and evaluate your profile. We’ve treated hundreds of women and men and will recommend the ideal treatment plan to achieve your desired look.*

Kybella: What to Expect

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